A Vision for Visual Health

“There is only one thing worse than being blind, and that is having sight but no vision.”

— Helen Keller

Cataract surgery has proven effective in reversing vision loss and blindness; however, financial barriers prevent many communities, especially those in underserved nations, from accessing this relatively basic medical service.

At our “Eye Camps,” COPILOT Cares supports the logistics and facilitation of the medical needs surrounding vision care. This includes finding qualified medical professionals, identifying suitable locations, connecting with patients and their families, and providing other necessary services for those who otherwise may have resigned themselves unnecessarily to a life of blindness.

In the United States, cataract surgeries are commonplace, providing many with the gift of sight. Dr. Moby Kazmi, recognizing the profound impact of restoring vision to those who have suffered from avoidable blindness for years, believes that everyone should have access to such life-changing care. The ability to restore vision where it has been lost should be a global priority.

Inspired by this vision, COPILOT Cares is expanding our efforts to host more eye camps across Africa and Asia, bringing the light of hope to thousands for whom access to this care has been out of reach.

Current Projects

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

-M. Gandhi

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A Vision for Visual Health

Around the world, thousands suffer from visual health conditions like cataracts. While common in the US, cataract surgeries are often inaccessible globally. COPILOT Cares prioritizes creating “Eye Camps” in regions like South Asia to address avoidable vision problems. Our senior leadership, including President Dr. Moby Kazmi, CTO Tynan Markey, and SVP Matthew McGrath, have personally visited these camps to oversee and support our efforts.

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Water is a basic human right

Taking on The Global Water Crisis

Water is a basic human right, yet a water crisis threatens millions worldwide. COPILOT Cares has been working to install water pumps that provide free, clean drinking water for communities in the developing world.

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Joy is a precious and necessary resource for everyone

Fighting Food and Shelter Insecurity

When COPILOT moved to Florida, we immediately sought out a way to make a difference for those who suffer from homelessness and hunger in our community.

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International Disaster Relief

International Disaster Relief

COPILOT Cares' commitment to charitable causes is about more than just financial support. When disasters strike, our team is ready to provide meaningful aid to those that need it. This might mean building tents for flood victims, or helping to find shoes for displaced families. This preparedness and willingness to jump into action is all a part of our commitment to helping those in need.

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Food for Change

Food for Change

Hundreds of bags of flour, tins of cooking oil, lentils, tea, and other essential foods have been purchased and distributed with help from COPILOT Cares with the goal of providing a full month of food rations to villages we connect with internationally.

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Joy is a precious and necessary resource for everyone

Christmas in July

Joy is a precious and necessary resource for everyone, but it is especially needed for children who are suffering from illness. COPILOT Cares has an initiative designed to share special moments by bringing toys to children in hospitals.

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Joy is a precious and necessary resource for everyone

A Home For Hope

Creating a safe and stable environment for children who have lost their parents is crucial if they are to thrive after the emotional trauma they have suffered. COPILOT Cares supports initiatives for orphanages to help with basic needs, but also to pay for counselling that helps nurture young people and give them self-confidence.

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Build Learning

Access to quality education is another basic human right. By supporting schools in developing nations, COPILOT Cares makes sure that everyone is given the dignity and power that education provides.

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Care During COVID and Every Day

Like so many others, during the global pandemic, we shifted some of our efforts. COPILOT Cares continues to allocate resources toward providing necessities, such as masks and tests, in developing countries that desperately need them.

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